

We have experience of working within the FSA, GSC and IOM Law Society, and therefore have a good understanding of the approach taken and requirements that need to be followed. Similarly, having worked within several regulated businesses we understand first hand the practicalities of balancing compliance with commercialism and taking a risk based approach to meeting those requirements.



Regulatory visit support

Short term support to assist with Regulatory visits or to work on remedial actions or recommendations made following a supervisory visit.


A range of in-house training can be provided to meet regulatory requirements, including; Anti Money Laundering, Anti Bribery and Corruption, Data Protection, Governance, and Directors Duties and Responsibilities.

Licence Applications

We can assist with licence applications for CSP/TSP, DNFSB or gaming companies. We can also assist with applications for a Data Protection licence.


Mergers & Acquisitions

M&A’s often require regulatory approval. In conjunction with our compliance services we can provide assistance with the regulatory approval process by advising the board and attending meetings.

Regulatory audits

Whether your business is regulated or not, it is good practise to undertake periodic regulatory audits. This is designed to provide a ‘mock’ visit to identify any areas for improvement and remediate prior to an actual regulatory visit.

Regulatory and compliance support

Regulations can be difficult to decipher. IT can be time consuming and often open to interpretation. Having always found the IOM Regulators to be approachable and helpful, we can assist with providing guidance and support with any aspect of Regulatory requirements.